
Work, Wonder, and Windows

Work: Traveling along the Oregon coast for two weeks this month took me out of my usual writing and exercise routines. (For more on the latter, check out this blog post.) Most mornings, I had to choose whether to write or exercise. Road trips require more sitting, so I often picked moving my body over writing. Once at my family reunion, being with my extended family was the priority. Little progress was made on my book during these two weeks and that was okay.

How do you balance the immobility of writing and moving your body? Do you try to write on vacation? Do you purposefully take writing breaks?

Yaquina Head Lighthouse

Wonder: Why don’t people skip? Instead of, say, jogging. Or in addition to jogging. Why isn’t skipping one of the usual ways we move our bodies from point A to point B or for exercise or for fun? Definitely the last one because I don’t think it is possible to skip and not smile. Try it. Skip a few times.

Did you smile?

No skipping here—too slippery. Can you find the mossy chiton?

Windows: The view from our trailer windows during our trip along the Oregon Coast included alder trees wrapped in ivy, bushes of white flowers and red berries, chipmunks, fluffy bunny rabbits, a meandering creek, fellow travelers and their RVs and tents, and this unexpected neighbor:

What have you seen out a window that was entirely unexpected? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. Nancy Adair

    You are writing about my great dilemma. I’m so close to the end of my writing project. I want to write, write, write. But if I don’t exercise, I won my be able to sleep and then I won’t be able to face the next day and write. In short, I lose a lot of writing time by not exercising! On looking out the window: did you stop at the Hay Stacks? Did you see the colony of puffins? My favorite place on the Oregon Coast.

    • Laura Rink

      I’m excited that you’re close to the end of your writing project. It needs to get out into the world! Yes the tie between exercise and sleep is important to remember. Not only do our bodies need to sit, our minds need to be able to focus! We did not stop at Cannon beach this time. Did see puffins at the Aquarium in Newport. We went to Pacific City for the first time, one of our new favorite places.

  2. Donna

    Saw a puma 11 feet from our window. I’ll try skipping through the garden!

    • Laura Rink

      Sweet! Did you smile while skipping?

  3. Rebecca Cutler

    Just reading about skipping made me smile

    • Laura Rink

      Yay, glad to make you smile.

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