

Look with your eyes, not your hands

My mother said in gift shops, antique stores, the five and dime


Now, in my mask and gloves, I peer at

Avocados and apples, grapefruit and lemons


Using my eyes to discern

Firmness, ripeness, compatibility


Wondering if the underside of the apple holds a bruise,

If the grapefruit will be more rind than flesh


Touching is a commitment—

You are now mine, for better or for worse


  1. Mitzi Moore

    I like this poem a lot, Laura! Well done friend.

    • Laura Rink

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. lindaleelambert

    A timely, sensitive poem

  3. Donna J Mason

    very good! very timely!

  4. Pam

    Yay! I was so happy to see this 🙂 So much truth in so few words! Keep writing, friend.

    • Laura Rink

      Thanks for your encouragement!

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