
Tag: Rainier Writing Workshop


Last month, I mentioned Vivian Gornick’s craft book, The Situation and the Story, and this month my focus on craft continued with my return to the Rainier Writing Workshop (RWW), the low-res MFA program I graduated from in 2021. During the ten-day residency, I attended three grad presentations, six classes, and eight morning talks on subjects ranging from Lavish Syntax by Rick Barot to The Vulnerability of Bliss by Scott Nadelson. RWW also celebrated the program’s twenty-year anniversary with a reading from the newly-released RWW anthology, The Next Draft: Inspiring Craft Talks from the Rainier Writing Workshop, edited by Brenda Miller. With this book, you too can experience the nirvana that is RWW’s morning talks! Available from the publisher, Bellingham’s independent bookstore Village Books, and Amazon.

This month I also returned to Indian Mary Campground on the Rogue River in Oregon where my extended maternal family has gathered for over forty years. About a hundred people camped, river rafted, and played a variety of card games and lots of corn hole, competed in a disc golf tournament, played bingo, and participated in a sing-along. I’m grateful to have a loving family I enjoy spending time with, especially outdoors!

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Work, Wonder, and Windows

Work: Have you heard the term micro prose? I recently took a class from Darien Hsu Gee, a fellow Rainier Writing Workshop alum, in which she illuminated the benefits of writing micro prose: pieces of 300 words or less. She is passionate about this form, and offered much practical advice and inspiration. The writing process she outlined included writing a first draft in ten minutes and then revising in two ten-minute sessions. The short timeframes makes this a flexible and doable practice. For me, this form will be a way to get difficult material down on the page in short bursts. For more information on micro prose, and free prompts, visit Darien’s website Writer-ish.com.

Tech update: On my website, the “subscribe to blog via email” is now available on mobile devices. After the blog post, scroll past the comment section, and at the very bottom is a place to put in your email and subscribe to my blog. Please let me know if that is not the case. I’m pleased that I figured this out on my own, though not thrilled at the number of hours I spent on it when I just needed to add a widget, which was obvious in hindsight and took mere minutes.

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Work, Wonder, and Windows

May 2023

One of my motivations to write is connecting with others, and that connection can’t begin until the work goes out into the world. As I am currently writing a book, it’s a long slog before that engagement can begin. So I’ve decided to reboot, revive, and recommit to my blog.

This blog will be loosely organized in three categories: Work, Wonder, and Windows. What I am up to with my writing; wonderings inspired by books, podcasts, articles, essays, anything really; and what I’m seeing out my window on my borrowed piece of the planet between the Salish Sea and the Cascade Mountains.

Work: I’m expanding my MFA creative nonfiction thesis into a book-length work about my relationships with my Armenian grandmother and her two sisters, and the silence surrounding their life in Turkey and how they survived the Armenian Genocide. I’ve published two essays related to this work: “Geraniums” at Complete Sentence and “Tante Silvia’s Flinch Cards” at The Keepthings.

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